I love the pattern I'm seeing for cop appologists:
The cops shouod be accountable. Make excuse. The cops should be accountable.
They wont be, and the cover-up is in full swing. Evidence? What are the names of the cops involved in the shooting 'mistakes'?
We would already know the names of any 'civilian' who did the same thing...and, they'd be in jail. Not on a paid vacation.
To me, being held accountable means trigger-happy cops being stripped of the authority and immunity they enjoy, then being tried in open court for attempted murder as any “little person” would be while being held in jail on an outrageous bond. But you are quite correct, it’ll never happen.
No doubt members of the LAPD street gang are all smiles and back-slaps this morning because “they got their man” last night. And the gal who tipped them off in Big Bear won’t see a penny of the million-dollar reward that was offered.
You need some English lessons there bud.