To: LifeComesFirst; Nita Nupress; Darksheare; digger48
It is probably pointless to suggest it but you should try a little honesty sometime. You said I didn't post anything of substance to you in my first reply. Yet you responded to me and not to a single one of the FReepers who replied to you about specifics of your first post.
It's very obvious from that that you have no interest at all in discussing things of substance. As I said before, your motive is to divide and disrupt. You're a troll.
460 posted on
01/29/2013 11:16:25 PM PST by
(The irresponsible should not be leading the responsible.)
To: TigersEye; LifeComesFirst; Nita Nupress; digger48
I notice that LCF here woke up enough to respond to you but nobody else.
Apparently bleary eyes and bong water does that when you’re trolling.
469 posted on
01/30/2013 5:44:33 AM PST by
(Try my coffee, first one's free.....)
To: TigersEye
NOBODY had anything of substance to say. If you disagree, cite an example.
498 posted on
01/30/2013 4:03:51 PM PST by
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