Sven to my knowledge has NEVER posted any proof to back up his claims.
The few docs on his blog don’t connect the dots enough.
Although I looked awhile back, before today’s post.
Sven’s curve fits the known data points as well as any presented scenario that address the very murk circumstances from 1965 to 1981.
NO ONE has presented anything that makes any sense of a the period from 1966 to 1972 especially.
How does a child travel internationally without his mother? In 1971 Stanley Ann Dunham arrives in the US in October on an expired passport. Obama was not apparently with her. He claims to have traveled alone months earlier in his (or Bills) book. So how does a child do this.
How does a child live in a country where his father is a native citizen and his mother - by law - must be a citizen and dual citizenship is not allowed. By Indonesian law Obama was 100% Indonesian. Did the US recognize this? Did they issue a CLN? What passport did Obama use to travel during this time after he was removed from his mothers?
It is Hawaii and the State department who are grossly lacking in disclosures that would address this. Grossly.