Interesting factoid:
Edith Coats was born in Hawaii with a U.S. citizen father and Australian mother with Verna K. L. Lee as the registrar accepting the attestation of the of the mother, delivery doctor, and hospital admin for vital statistics.
Barack Obama has a U.S. Citizen mother and African father with Verna K. L. Lee as the registrar accepting the attestation of the mother, delivery doctor, and hospital admin for vital statistics.
I’d venture a guess all OLFBCs in Hawaii in the 60’s with at least one non-citizen parent were accepted by Verna K. L. Lee.
Also, see my post on multiple SSNs issued to non-citizen applicants.
Edith would be a natural-born citizen by the Supreme Court’s definition and Obama ... still not.
Interesting theory.
I was under the impression that Verna K. L. Lee was the Local Registrar for the region that included the Wahiawa Hospital. (See the Edith Coates doc.) If zero was really born at Kapiolani, she would not have been the registar to sign 'his' birth certificate. The Registrar for the region that included Kapiolani is the person who signed the document received from the hospital for the Nordyke twins.
This research is littered with clues.