Hawaiian law allows all records to be released to the public in good faith to meet the public interest under its sunshine laws. Of course, the law doesn’t require the records to be released, but they are still allowed to be released. Hawaii simply refuses. But the other point here is that under their own state laws, if such a record is not given to the opposing party for inspection then that record is considered hearsay and is inadmissable. And this is where we are at legally. Obama’s alleged birth in Hawaii is hearsay. It has never been legally certified.
It’s not like the “Obama is ineligible” movement didn’t do its darn’dest in Hawai’i to reverse Hawai’i Department of Health policy decisions on the release of Barry’s Vital Records. The courts always sided with the Department of Health in every legal challenge:
Constituion Party v Lingle (Hawaii Supreme Court)
Hamrick v Fukino (US District Court for Hawaii)
Justice v Fuddy (Hawaii Intermediate Court of Appeals)
Martin v Lingle (Hawaii Supreme Court)
Martin v Attorney General Bennett (State Court)
Sunahara v Hawaii Dept. of Health (State Court)
Taitz v Astrue {Freedom of Information Act} (US District Court for Hawaii)
Taitz v Fuddy (State Court)
Taitz v Nishimura (Hawaii Supreme Court)
Taitz v Obama (Hawaii Office of Elections)
Thomas v Hoseman (US District Court for Hawaii)
Wolf v Fuddy (State Court)
All I’m saying is that I would have loved to see what Hawai’i Department of Health would have done with a Court Order from an actual JUDGE of a court of competent jurisdiction or what they would have done with a Congressional subpoena. They never had to respond to either.