What I find troubling is that this student activist claims to be a champion of science yet makes very unscientific claims such the one where he suggests that if a child is not taught a strict narrow secular/atheist form of evolution in a public school they will not be able to operate as a research scientist or save wetlands. It is not only unscientific but patently untrue. The bulk of the scienitists that produced our modern world of science and medicine were believers in creation even if they all weren’t creationists in the very narrow interpretation that the scientific left wish to lump all creationists into which is the “young earth” creationists.
The truth is I don’t much care but I will err on the side of freedom. If public funds can be used to promote a liberal political agenda in schools let us have an open playing field. Kids will grow up and what they learn or do not learn about evolution or any number of other topics will not prevent them from achieving success if they are worthy of it. Given the amount of crap that passes for science and education in public schools and I’m intimately familiar because I did attend them I don’t believe allowing public funds to teach kids in ways approved by their parents is a threat at all. The world will go on and the technical aspects of biology will not change either way. I don’t understand the fear myself. It is irrational just as this student activist is an irrational moron who commits the same sins of ignorance that he sees in his opponents.
And that applies to me, my husband, and my three kids.
We are creationists all and it did not interfere with any of us pulling easily over a 3 GPA in the sciences. At secular colleges/universities to boot. Not Christian colleges/universities.