I think when you have Daily KKKos and other Lefty websites crowing about it and directing its sinister followers to use the “consent decree” several weeks before the election, there might be some “there”, there:
Thu Oct 18, 2012 at 06:38 AM PDT
RNC Consent Decree Banning Voter Supression That All Dem Poll Watchers Need to Read (UPDATEx2)
See, we call it “vote fraud”. Lefty code for it is “vote suppression”.
Call their bluff -- CALL THEIR BLUFF.
Have a big open hearing with cameras there where the Democrats are saying that they are free to commit vote fraud because of some consent decree that was issued in NJ some 30 years ago.
Do it. Call their bluff. Put this out in the open court and Democrats will run from it so fast that it will make your head spin.