This is crap advice.
Our ideas are out there for all to see. The MSM refuses to consider these ideas as alternatives, but as obstructionism.
The MSM covered foreign policy fairly well with Benghazi. Exit polls show Obama is trusted more on foreign policy than Romney.
We need to stop listening to Free Republic, Fox News and Conservative Radio as if everyone else listens to these outlets. They don’t.
Finally, getting out our cultural ideas is what sunk Romney. Look at the women’s vote that he was supposedly winning? He lost on abortion and contraception because more women are single due to divorce or a rejection of marriage and family.
Unfortunately, I think you are right about this.
It seems there are many, many people who actually get it when it comes to economics (they are tired of supporting those who choose not to work), but won't vote Republican because of the social issues.
To win, we need to focus on economics and personal freedom (which as small government advocates we tend toward anyway). I think that is a message that people will buy into.
I say this, and I am as pro-life as they come. I think even Rush says that battle needs to be fought in the hearts and minds of people, not legislatively.
Rush Limbaugh likes to brag about his 20 million listeners. That leaves 280 million who don't listen to Rush. Like Dick Morris, Rush's prognostications were a load of crap. The pollsters were pretty darned close after all.
I'm just frustrated that I started to believe the predictions of those in conservative media. We just got a reality check.