Thank you for posting the thoughtful article.
The new album arrived this afternoon from Amazon. Will open and listen to it tomorrow after the dentist visit.
I recall Dylan saying or suggesting sometime in the past that people pay too much attention to the things he says. That is the things he says in rare interviews. Which is why he and so many other artists tend to avoid interviews. Just read the astonishingly stupid comments on the two previous Dylan threads here in the past couple of days.
I like the Dylan threads also, they give us a chance to break out of the box and discuss someone who is such a part of the 1960s, and of all decades since, who is well known to everyone here of all ages, and who is also somehow connected to politics and popular culture, yet who we are forced to discuss in a none black and white, predetermined way.
It kind of stretches us, and helps to keep us loose and flexible, and reminds us that people can be complex, and hard to pigeon hole.