I love this story for the following reasons:
1) Brevity. Brevity is, indeed, the soul of wit. Most people write like they talk — to hear themselves. This is the ADD generation, and you are looking at the ADD king. Hey!...Let's go ride our bikes!
2) Identification. You brought us into the mind of an unrepentant American communist, and the things she thought were believable for that sort of person.
3) Happy ending. I love apocalypse fiction — I'm into the 28 days s series lately, but Walking Dead is a favorite.... yet, every now and again I love to read a story in which things end on a positive note.
I set off the fourth reason I like this piece, because there's nothing you can do about, it's innate to you. It is this: The writing is gripping. It grabs you and keeps you. That is a skill you either have, or do not have. There is no ability to ‘develop’ this skill. You have it.
I have been working hard at the craft side of writing for a decade now, so I’m glad it shows.
Have you read Lucifer's Hammer by Larry Niven?