Don’t pretend that you’re supporting Palin. You’re supporting the most liberal pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, gun-banning lying socialist governor in the history of the republic.
You have ZERO chance of obtaining the presidency. Zero.
You are an unknown, except in small circles.
Your small circles are not going to unseat Obama because they voted for YOU.
Votes cast for you are wasted. They do not reduce the incumbent Obama’s chances for remaining in the White House. To the contrary, votes for you would increase those odds.
I defy you to show me with ANY KIND OF PROOF that there will ONLY be one of two men who have ANY possibility of residing in the White House after November 2: it’s either Romney or Obama.
This is not the primaries nor your dreams. This is reality.
Palin isn't running. But even if she were, you'd oppose her because you claim she isn't conservative enough to be POTUS.