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To: Yashcheritsiy; BlackElk; onyx; Jim Robinson; xzins

Superb commentary, Yash.

Someone tell me why our God has set before this now nearly Godless nation two different degrees of evil? I am afraid it IS a test after all. God’s test.

This wonderful sacred scripture, “ If MY PEOPLE, who are called by MY NAME, will fall on their face and repent of their wicked ways, I will hear their cries and I will heal their land.”

Now just WHO is GOD speaking to here? It’s sure not to the general population, not the two parties, the voters in general, but to HIS PEOPLE alone. To His People alone God declares this promise of healing.

Sweating out over a paper ballot must be foolishness to our Lord, when it is His Church alone who determines the fullment of His healing of their land, by repenting of THEIR wicked ways, on their face (which denotes seriousness and a penitential spirit).

It is the sinful Church repenting who redeems the promise. We have let a nation fall, for all sorts of wicked reasons. We traded the Sacrifice of the Cross for warm and fuzzy “you’re-okay-I’m-okay” spirituality and call it “church”.

388 posted on 09/08/2012 12:35:29 PM PDT by RitaOK
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To: RitaOK

AMEN and AMEN!!!

Problem is, that even here on FR, you will be castigated and ridiculed, insulted and threatened by the worshippers of Romney who see a refusal to vote for Romney as treason and refer to deference to God and the bible as “sanctimonious”.

Says a lot about this II Timothy 3 Generation doesn’t it?

396 posted on 09/08/2012 12:58:14 PM PDT by INVAR ("Fart for liberty, fart for freedom and fart proudly!" - Benjamin Franklin)
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To: RitaOK; EternalVigilance
“We traded the Sacrifice of the Cross for warm and fuzzy “you’re-okay-I’m-okay” spirituality and call it “church”."
Right on target, fire for effect.
How many pillars of salt can be formed from a single rinocerous?

402 posted on 09/08/2012 1:20:51 PM PDT by OldEarlGray (The POTUS is FUBAR until the White Hut is sanitized with American Tea)
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To: RitaOK; BlackElk; onyx; Jim Robinson; xzins; betty boop; Agamemnon; Diogenesis; SoConPubbie; ...
It is the sinful Church repenting who redeems the promise. We have let a nation fall, for all sorts of wicked reasons. We traded the Sacrifice of the Cross for warm and fuzzy “you’re-okay-I’m-okay” spirituality and call it “church”.

Very true. But though judgment must begin at the house of God, it certainly will not end there.

One of the eye-opening things about this whole campaign season has been just how much it has served to separate the wheat from the chaff, so to speak.

Who would have thought a mere six months ago that "conservatives" would go from trying to outdo each other to show who had the strongest and strictest principles to outdoing each other in who can ditch those principles the fastest on the altar of "pragmatism," while condeming those who still hold to their principles.

Who would have thought that "conservatives" would adopt the same view towards Romney that those on the Left took towards Obama four years ago?

But you're right, Rita - instead of repenting, too many conservatives are simply making an idol of our government, and their hopes to control it by getting "their" guy (who isn't even really that) into office. Instead of admitting that maybe the problems of our nation aren't fixable by government and politicians, but are spiritual issues that transcend any mere personality or party, "conservatives" are adopting the same sort of "we need government to fix everything" mentality that lefties have. So much for "less government is better government." Now it's, "we need OUR guy in office so he can save Medicare and fix all our problems."

In short, conservatives are looking for the same sort of "benefactor," the same sort of "saviour," that was seen in the Hellenistic world (when these kings actually CALLED themselves "saviours" - soterios), to take care of them, just by doing for them the things THEY want, instead of the things the Left wants. Jesus warned against relying on these false saviours instead of the true Saviour.

Mitt Romney isn't going to fix the problems of this nation. Even if he were inclined to (which I don't believe he really is), he would be unable to, because he is not even the right TYPE of remedy for the TYPE of problem that really is at the root of all the things we see, from abortion to the federal debt.

This is why I'm increasingly taking to calling myself a "liberty lover," rather than a conservative. It's because a lot, perhaps most, conservatives these days no longer love liberty, and therefore don't qualify for the term.

417 posted on 09/08/2012 2:11:32 PM PDT by Yashcheritsiy (Science puts you on the moon, atheism puts you in the gulag)
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To: RitaOK; Yashcheritsiy; BlackElk; onyx; Jim Robinson; xzins
Sweating out over a paper ballot must be foolishness to our Lord, when it is His Church alone who determines the fullment of His healing of their land, by repenting of THEIR wicked ways, on their face (which denotes seriousness and a penitential spirit).

It is the sinful Church repenting who redeems the promise. We have let a nation fall, for all sorts of wicked reasons. We traded the Sacrifice of the Cross for warm and fuzzy “you’re-okay-I’m-okay” spirituality and call it “church”.

And that's partly my point. We are not electing a CHURCH leader this November. This is a country that once was Christian but could hardly be called that now. It more resembles Sodom and Gomorrah, and we have 'the Church' to thank for that. It has been asleep. I do not see multitudes of spiritual men walking about as leaders. What I see is weak-kneed emasculated men. Women, in general, are and have been much stronger spiritually then most men. And this was prophesied concerning our age, our day. This is why SOME Christian men have been praying for a revival, because Christian men, who should have been leading, have taken the back seat and allowed the moral steerings of this country to decay and die. Where are the moral statesmen of our day? They are non-existent for the most part.

God has ALLOWED our country to flounder because of her denial of His authority over our politics, education, home life, health, and work ethics. Because of this country's wicked ways, we do not have truly godly and Christian men who desire to run this country. "Leadership" has been in the hands of greedy, selfish, immoral men, who can easily be purchased, regardless the cost to our fellow man.

The choice continues to between those who would 'cook' the people on high or medium temperatures. I never imagined this country could have or would have elected an evil Marxist like Obama, but there he is. And some 'conservatives' here in FR believe that his re-election is preferable than another whose religion they don't agree with. If Obama is re-elected, you have no idea how much further down a bad road this country will go. At least with Romney, the only other person who has any possibility of being in the White House after this election, we have the possibility of God intervening in Romney's life to direct him toward the right way. The Old Testament is FULL of unbelievers being used by God in a right way because their hearts were not filled with satanic desires, such as is the case with Obama.

541 posted on 09/08/2012 10:07:07 PM PDT by nicmarlo
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