Posted on 09/07/2012 6:30:12 PM PDT by 2ndDivisionVet
Truth is the new hate speech.Creeping Sharia
We [the people] own this country.Clint Eastwood
I feel like I ought to start out each of my articles anymore with a disclaimer, or caveat saying something along the lines of WARNING: The contents of this article are to be considered null and void in the event of a Reichstag Fire, false flag event, and/or an invasion by Russian Spetsnaz in collusion with Northcom,or words to that effect.
My intent is not to make light of such concerns, as God knows we have reason enough to be more than a bit edgy these dayswhat with the Patriot Act, NDAA, the torrent of Obama EOs (Executive Orders), various government agencies stockpiling millions of rounds of ammo, and other such things.
Personally, I am what you might call a cynical optimistI hope for the best, but plan for the worst. I keep myself open to the idea that the US can peacefully pull itself out of the colossal mess that it is currently mired inbut I have enough guns, ammo, freeze dried food and whatnot to open a small survivalist store.
Be that as it maythe main topic that I wish to address in this article is my decision to back the Romney/Ryan ticket, and the fallout from that. Contrary to what some of you may think, I have not rushed off and enlisted in the Dark Side. I am as opposed to the Big Bank/ Big Corporation/Big Government/Big War cabal as ever...
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Sweating out over a paper ballot must be foolishness to our Lord, when it is His Church alone who determines the fullment of His healing of their land, by repenting of THEIR wicked ways, on their face (which denotes seriousness and a penitential spirit).And that's partly my point. We are not electing a CHURCH leader this November. This is a country that once was Christian but could hardly be called that now. It more resembles Sodom and Gomorrah, and we have 'the Church' to thank for that. It has been asleep. I do not see multitudes of spiritual men walking about as leaders. What I see is weak-kneed emasculated men. Women, in general, are and have been much stronger spiritually then most men. And this was prophesied concerning our age, our day. This is why SOME Christian men have been praying for a revival, because Christian men, who should have been leading, have taken the back seat and allowed the moral steerings of this country to decay and die. Where are the moral statesmen of our day? They are non-existent for the most part.It is the sinful Church repenting who redeems the promise. We have let a nation fall, for all sorts of wicked reasons. We traded the Sacrifice of the Cross for warm and fuzzy youre-okay-Im-okay spirituality and call it church.
God has ALLOWED our country to flounder because of her denial of His authority over our politics, education, home life, health, and work ethics. Because of this country's wicked ways, we do not have truly godly and Christian men who desire to run this country. "Leadership" has been in the hands of greedy, selfish, immoral men, who can easily be purchased, regardless the cost to our fellow man.
The choice continues to between those who would 'cook' the people on high or medium temperatures. I never imagined this country could have or would have elected an evil Marxist like Obama, but there he is. And some 'conservatives' here in FR believe that his re-election is preferable than another whose religion they don't agree with. If Obama is re-elected, you have no idea how much further down a bad road this country will go. At least with Romney, the only other person who has any possibility of being in the White House after this election, we have the possibility of God intervening in Romney's life to direct him toward the right way. The Old Testament is FULL of unbelievers being used by God in a right way because their hearts were not filled with satanic desires, such as is the case with Obama.
The only thing that can defeat us is defeatism itself.
With Romney or some other RINO we can at least influence him and will have some voices on our side in his cabinet & NSC. With Obama we have a huge team of far-left idealogues who will complete their eight year plan of bringing down America.
You have ZERO chance of obtaining the presidency. Zero.
You are an unknown, except in small circles.
Your small circles are not going to unseat Obama because they voted for YOU.
Votes cast for you are wasted. They do not reduce the incumbent Obama’s chances for remaining in the White House. To the contrary, votes for you would increase those odds.
I defy you to show me with ANY KIND OF PROOF that there will ONLY be one of two men who have ANY possibility of residing in the White House after November 2: it’s either Romney or Obama.
This is not the primaries nor your dreams. This is reality.
If only Sarah had run we wouldn’t be in this dire situation, :)
Ever hear of representative self-government?
At least I represent those who will be voting for me.
Rare indeed is the Romney supporter who will admit that he represents them.
Preach it, brother.
I think God understands my vote..and my conscience won’t allow me to enable 4 more years of Obama.
I am stating truth. There is no insult or smarminess with truth. Either Romney or Obama will be elected in November and residing in the White House thereafter. There is ZERO chance a third party will. Additionally, the chances of re-election increase for an incumbent when voting for a third party. Therefore, I won't take any responsibility or be a part of re-electing a godless, evil, Marxist, backed by a party which denied God thrice come November by voting third party because 'I have too pure of a standard' to vote for the only person who can defeat him, that being Romney.
Ever hear of ‘the ends justifies the means’? Well, in this case, there is no justification for re-electing Obama because votes were cast for you, or any other third party wasted vote. The result would still mean Obama is re-elected, and that cannot be justified in God’s book.
Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.
-- John Quincy Adams
"When you become entitled to exercise the right of voting for public officers, let it be impressed on your mind that God commands you to choose for rulers 'just men who will rule in the fear of God.' The preservation of a republican government depends on the faithful discharge of this duty. If the citizens neglect their duty and place unprincipled men in office, the government will soon be corrupted; laws will be made not for the public good so much as for the selfish or local purposes; corrupt or incompetent men will be appointed to execute the laws; the public revenues will be squandered on unworthy men; and the rights of the citizens will be violated or disregarded. If a republican government fails to secure public prosperity and happiness, it must be because the citizens neglect the divine commands, and elect bad men to make and administer the laws."
-- Noah Webster
Yeah. It's wrong.
Let’s cut to the chase here, why are you compelled to yak and yak and yak about what Brzezinski did or did not do in 1979? What is your point?
OldEarlGray has been zotted.
No. You are obviously clueless. Then you continue to PRAY WITHOUT CEASING. James 5:16 The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
You don't pray for Satan's helper, Obama, and then expect him to do anything other than Satan's will. There is a chance at least that prayers for Romney, and those in the GOP party will be influenced by God, either through their removal in November or throughout the following years due to earnest prayer.
Yeah, exactly what I was pointing out. God isn’t going to justified your re-electing an evil Marxist because you mean well.
EV, you have ZERO chance of obtaining the White House.
And why not say, Let us do evil that good may come?... Their condemnation is just.
-- Romans 3:8
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