Yes, Romney is an SOB, but he is OUR SOB!
Obama wants to destroy our Country, Romney does not.
Mittens doesn’t care about the country, just about being President. His unlimited ambition, his progressivism disguised as conservatism, and his lack of ability to feel shame for doing evil things is arguably a bigger threat than an open enemy. On top of that, you’ll be asking us to bend over for him again 4 years later, for a total term of 8 years with no real reforms or changes. The idea that a “conservative” congress will be more effective with Mittens is silly. Even Rick Santorum back during the Bush years was saying how deficits were good for the country, since supposedly they made him weigh his votes more. The “conservatives” in congress even now won’t even defund ObozoCare or take the actions they have within their grasp. Meanwhile, Mittens and his buddies have already signaled that they favor tinkering with government to “make things better,” supposedly by virtue of not being Democrats. This includes healthcare and RomneyCare, which they eye as a replacement for ObozoCare. They also don’t even have a legitimate plan for the economy. All this is doing is maintaining mediocrity and making it Law.
Ultimately, though, whoever wins, the solution will not be political. It is a spiritual problem that must be addressed spiritually. Mittens and Obozo, two massive rats, are merely a symptom of our disease. I honestly consider it punishment from God to allow us to be represented by men who, honestly, represent us (the country as a whole) very well spiritually.