Oh, I love the pic!
well you know Obama and Val together would not make one brain. If stupid fits then.....
Jarrett shoulda nixed the attacks on Bain.
IMHO Bozo the Clown would have made better decisions than this crew, and he was from Chicago too..
Frankly I’ve always assumed Penetta/Hillary just got tired of this dumb ass, and ordered the raid in spite of his cowardice.
What person, outside of an institution, takes a picture with their mouth OPEN?
They knew he would dither and delay again, so they (Leon Panetta and Hillary Clinton -I can't believe I am praising them...) got him to agree to a set of ambiguous options.
Then. Leon Panetta decided that an existing situation met those conditions, and deemed that he already had a ‘go ahead’ to act in those conditions and pushed the button.
He knew full well that Odumbo could claim Leon acted on his own if it failed, or would claim credit if it succeeded, but Panetta is one of the least incompetent old Clinton crew, and was OK with that.
I bet Odumbass was freaked out of his mind when they called him off the golf course to tell him it was underway
Well, ya gotta hold off on these things until the political need is dire. Right now, I’ll bet they all wish they had left Bin Laden’s hapless Pakistani double alive until “You didn’t build that” became the Meme of the Year. :)
as predicted, a push by pragmatic Dems to try and take Barry’s legs out from under him prior to the convention
Between Valerie & Huma, islam is well represented in the White House.
Field Marshall Jarret? Or Obama’s Rasputin?
I am wondering why the Ones presence was necessary in the War Room at all. Perhaps the commanders demanded that he be present so that he could not weasel out with plausible deniability if the mission had failed.
Puts things in a different perspective now...
I recall reading this same report on FR just after the Bin Laden raid by someone who claimed to have insider scuttlebutt. Thankfully, Panetta had enough guts to take the ball and run with it even though the “quarterback” was off playing golf during the championship game.
JMHO, but personally I think Jarrett is anything but clueless. I think she knows exactly what she’s doing as far as being the hands-on behind-the-scene daily puppetmaster directing the imposter-in-chief’s actions. It’s just that her role is not to serve the USA in a positive way, but to serve her own evil masters to undermine America at every turn. She likely knew good and well that as long as bin Laden was alive, the propaganda-media could redirect many of the voters attention towards the perceived threat of a living bin Laden, so that their attention may be directed away from Obama’s daily efforts to deconstruct American freedom and liberty.
Born-in-Iran Valerie Jarrett is known as 'the brains behind Obama' and has long been Barry's -- as well as wife Michelle's -- most trusted confidant.What's her FR nick'?