My father's Alzheimer wasn't my choice, my house losing all value wasn't my choice, losing a baby wasn't my choice., Life happens despite our best laid out plans. There's nothing wrong with being lucky. If you've got it, be proud of it.
My Mom had Alzheimers. My Dad died in Vietnam. Those aren’t choices, but our responses are.
House losing value? Frankly, that IS ‘our’ fault. The first house I bought lost value when the nearby military base cuts jobs. That wasn’t my fault. My current house value is less than I paid for it, but not by much. We almost didn’t buy it because we THOUGHT the housing costs were getting out of line with local wages. After we bought it, it nearly doubled in price, and then it dropped to about 10% less than we paid. We misjudged the long term value of the house by 10% - housing values ultimately are tied to wages. That is why we often rented in our lives.
I haven’t lost a baby. That would be tough. But what I wrote is true - over 10, 20 or 30 years, ‘luck’ tends to even out.
I’ll hazard another that will go over like a turd in a punch bowl: People who think in terms of “luck” won’t be successful. They will be waiting for their luck to change instead of building for a lucky future.