OK, OK. I get your point.
But don't you have anything to say about the drastic expansion of police powers over the last few decades? I mean, you must read about the innocent people invaded by SWAT teams, their pets shot and their children terrified.
And how about people whose cars, boats, and houses are impounded simply on the suspicion of drug activity.
How about the outlawing of asthma inhalers putting millions of asthmatics in danger so, supposedly, they can't be used to make drugs? Is that sensible in your mind.
Those are the parts of the War on Drugs that have gone wrong, in my opinion. And trust me, that number may not be in the phone book, but it's damned easy to get.
Also, one more thing, they aren't "my" drugs. I don't use the things.
I agree with you that government goons can screw up badly.
But I would not want to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Even with the libertarian utopia of CS’s at Seven-Eleven, government would still have intrusive “safety and efficiency” rules. The Netherlands, supposedly so tolerant of drugs, has lots of anti-drug laws and even bans some drugs because they cause “health and social problems.” Hey, you Dutch fascists, why not let the people decide?
If we’re worried about government power, legalization could be a legal nightmare. It could lead to more arbitrariness and brutishness, not less. The attacks on innocent asthma inhalers are trivial by comparison.