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Tokyo soil so contaminated with radiation it would be considered nuclear waste in US
Natural News ^
| 5/24/2012
| Ethan A. Huff
Posted on 05/24/2012 8:11:02 PM PDT by JohnKinAK
click here to read article
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To: toldyou
Anyone who expects truth out of government, deserves what they get. The EPA is not even monitoring what is going on within the US. Their radiation network, at the time of the accident, had so many problems it was more or less irrelevant. They could not even determine what normal levels were before the accident, since a few of the sensors were down and some were being operated by volunteer workers.
To: justa-hairyape
High readings compared to what? You can find radiation almost any where you look...just because you can detect something, does not make it a high radiation level.
And again, anything that would be blown up to the jet stream and across the ocean, thousands of miles, would be so dispersed as to represent virtually no risk of significant exposure downstream.
posted on
05/24/2012 9:20:21 PM PDT
(Be Prepared for what's coming AFTER America....)
To: CedarDave
That was not the main thrust of that report. They have identified Fukushima radiation products in US beef, and that is okay with you ?
So one must assume that you expected to see low levels of Fukushima products in US beef ?
To: JohnKinAK; TigerLikesRooster
I have an idea - why don’t we give California to the Japanese - on the condition they clear out the illegals and assume California’s debt.
It’s a win-win.
The Japanese would make wonderful neighbors and friends - AND California won’t pull down the rest of the country into a deep depression...
posted on
05/24/2012 9:30:38 PM PDT
( "A Dog In Every Pot" - freeper ETL)
To: rottndog
It is from a radiation network that has been monitoring for many months. They know what false readings are. They have had them in the past. This one looks legit, which is why the POTR blog released the alert.
To: AndyTheBear
The half-life of cobalt-60 is 5.3 years - not 300... Annoying, but livable...
posted on
05/24/2012 9:35:00 PM PDT
( "A Dog In Every Pot" - freeper ETL)
To: JohnKinAK
Another article from Natural News (Real News from Real People, Naturally). I don’t know about the fate of the doomed Japanese, but I now know seven foods that will cleanse my liver and a weird Chinese herb that will keep my hair from falling out and a bunch of other great things.
posted on
05/24/2012 9:35:12 PM PDT
To: rottndog
Yes, my cousin’s wife went home, because their apartment was damaged and no base housing was availible.
posted on
05/24/2012 10:02:36 PM PDT
(I'm in shape. Round is a shape isn't it?)
To: JohnKinAK
Japan is so radioactive, their economy is so bad, and anyway their population should be immune to radiation poisoning, thanks to the two WWII nukes, that they should dedicate the islands to the storage of nuclear waste.
The could become what Nevada does not want to.
posted on
05/24/2012 10:19:00 PM PDT
To: JohnKinAK
According to an analysis of five random soil samples recently taken by nuclear expert Arnie Gundersen, the soil around Tokyo is so contaminated with Fukushima radiation that it would be considered nuclear waste here in the U.S.
Gee, you'd think people in Japan would be fleeing Tokyo in droves. Arnie Gundersen is a fairly well known nuclear alarmist and sensationalist, which makes him a "nuclear expert" as far as network news is concerned but lends no credibility to anything he says.
Comment #31 Removed by Moderator
Comment #32 Removed by Moderator
To: AndyTheBear
Or does it mean that what nuclear waste standards in U.S are silly?That's what I was wondering. In California background radiation is considered an unacceptable risk. The Earth is in violation of statute law.
posted on
05/24/2012 11:47:02 PM PDT
(Life is about choices. Your choices. Make good ones.)
To: nvscanman
Nice! I’m in Louisiana. Ping me if I ever need to be concerned about Fukushima fallout? K, thx! ;)
posted on
05/24/2012 11:54:08 PM PDT
To: tdscpa
We do not want to send the Japanese more radioactive debris. They will have their hands full for decades. And, they are burning some radioactive debris.
Comment #36 Removed by Moderator
To: AndyTheBear
If Grand Central Station was a nuclear power one, it would be shut down.
To: Procyon
Thank goodness.
After reading this report, I thought for a moment there that I was dead. I guess I'm not after all. Not even glowing.
Really. The CRAP allowed on the internet these days, and even here at FR. It's sad.
posted on
05/25/2012 2:19:42 AM PDT
(A great victory for Free People. The day Salvador Allende was toppled. Study history. Learn lessons.)
To: SatinDoll
Like the reactors that could not possibly explode.
Or the reactors that could not possibly melt down.
Or the reactors that could not loose containment from the RPV.
Or the reactors that had achieved cold shutdown.
Now that was all bull crap with plenty more to follow no doubt. Latest news is from the WHO, nothing to worry about. Of course they fail to mention that Japan personally lobbied the WHO to demand it change its report simply because it might make Japan look bad.
To: JohnKinAK
This is a stupid hoax.
Believe me, the Japanese popular press would be full of lurid accounts of any such widespread radiation. You should have seen the press pandemonium when there was actually a bit found in Tokyo last year. Think the "Daily Mail" on steroids.
Here's the latest WHO exposure summary chart (which, by the way, the Japanese government doesn't agree with, saying that the chart overstates the spread of radiation):
Image courtesy of
posted on
05/25/2012 3:23:20 AM PDT
(Please, America, no more dog-eating Kenyan cokeheads in the Oval Office.)
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