It is becoming apparent that the DNC (with the help of the media) are going to keep throwing this crap out to keep the discussion everywhere but where it should be: the economy.
Anyone can point to a deficit; however, leadership requires pointing out the cause and to some degree greater than spending too much. The cause of spending too much is a big government that imposes it sense of morality upon the people. It is a government religion that seeks to impose all manners of 'justice' that we as conservatives are fighting against!
So ask yourself, how exactly does one seek to stop the spending on a bankrupt ideology WITHOUT addressing it, WITHOUT pointing out its flaws, and WITHOUT stopping it dead in its tracks?
Are you really so naive as to suggest our best chance of victory entails sacrificing the promotion of a conservative ideology?
Think about what you are promoting -a successful defeat! You seem ONLY interested in gaining power -just like the enemy now in 1600 Pennsylavania Avenue.
Obama the king is gone, all hail king Romney -long live the spendthrift king -- LOL!!!!
Get a clue or step aside.
I never said anything even remotely close to what you suggest.
Get a life.
Everything I listed are red herrings thrown out by the Obama administration. There is no GOP war on women and the President has absolutely no voice on issues such as gay marriage.
Responding to red herrings is beyond stupid.