“joe fonebone (If you vote for the lesser of two evils, you are still voting for evil.) “
If you don’t vote for the LESSER of two evils then you put the GREATER of two evils one vote ahead.
If you truly believe that Romney will do as much damage in his first (and only) term and Obama WILL DO in his second (of how many more?) term, then you have not been paying attention to Obama.
Do we need Edmund Burke to make a comment?
If I don't vote for the lesser of two evils and don't vote for either evil, I put good one vote ahead. Why don't you ABOs ever phrase it THAT way?
ordinarily, i do not answer to socialists (mcromney supporters) but in your case I will make one exception....
I do not listen to what people say, I look at what they do.... everything, and I mean EVERYTHING that fubo has done, mcromney did already as a governor....
Look at mcromneys record, and then answer me this question:
Is mcromney a socialist, or not?
I will never, in amy way shape or form, support a socialist. Period.
If you choose to support a socialist, if you refuse to make a stand, if you refuse to see mcromney for the enemy of the republic that he is, then you are truly lost..
in answer to your question, will mcromney do as much damage as fubo? If you look at his record, the answer is YES..