Angela Corey may have done Z-man a favor by making the charge impossible to prove. The evidence in Z-man’s favor will be a slam-dunk not guilty verdict.
If I were head of the Justice Department, I would have been taking names of all the race-baiters. These yahoos are infusing the black community with a false image of racial inequality for their own economic ambitions.
The best direction for the black community is to promote stable marriages for their future generations.
Exactly what I was thinking. Indict at the level of public anger, let the jury hear the facts and then they take the rap for the verdict.
This is pandering at its finest.
A 'favor' for Zimmerman would be something over and above what he legally deserves. The charges should never have been brought, a favor would be something like kissing him on the mouth for having removed yet another thuglet from the population.