Now I have a more dangerous job, I drive trucks amongst all ya'll. LOL
This life is short, eternity is; that I can plan for. Keep praying Lady.
Did you just hear a *thud*?
[that was me, fainting!]
You poor dear!
Thank God your whole had wasn’t lost.
It’s funny...I’d rather have a punch in the nose than have *anything* happen to my fingers.
I’m -really- flaky about them, possibly because of the artwork or the bazillion other things I do that require lots of dexterity.
They gave me a blood sugar gizmo to keep my hypoglycemia monitored but you *must* stab a fingertip to get the blood.
Guess how long *that* lasted...;D
[I just eat small high protein snacks throughout the day, far, so good]
Praying always...:)