Same thing at our house. We are just sick about the fact that Romney is likely to be the nominee. Newt is the only one who can right the ship at this time, for this great nation.
I agree that Newt is the best for the job. I believe more than 50% of Americans do, as well. Most are voting for Romney because the GOP and Romniacs have them convinced only he can win. The thought process is, "I like Newt the best, but he can't win, so am going to hold my nose for Mitt."
Just wait, the Republican groupies and insiders club, will soon be demanding Republicans support another liberal, so the other party's liberal will lose.
The electoral process has become a tainted charade.
It's much like TV wrestling as the audience of applauding fools failed to notice, it's a choreographed, rehearsed show for the easily led.
“We are just sick about the fact that Romney is likely to be the nominee. Newt is the only one”
Same at my house.
Come on. Isn’t it obvious that Romney would do nothing to fix the problems of the nation? He would maintain the mess. Perhaps stop it from getting worse.
He has no bold ideas he is willing to fight for. He supports only what is popular with the voters he is after.
He will be an easy target of Obama’s class warfare attacks.