Yes. It's way over due but these people will not rebel. It boggles the mind. Someone of the likes of Rick Santelli needs to light the torch but the productive half will not do such on their own as individuals.
The crazy train of debt that the US has been riding is coming to the end of the line real soon.
The US has run up a national debt that has allowed the US to live beyond its means just as the European Democratic/Socialist nations have. Soon we will be in same circumstances as Europe; too much debt and no way to pay it off. We will have riots in the streets when the crazy train runs off the rails at the end of the line.
The US economy simply can not produce enough in taxes to support the government benefits already enacted. How can we possibly support the trillions of dollars that Obamacare will cost? The lending nations of the world will not keep supplying the US with dollars indefinitely once it becomes clear that we can not possibly repay those debts.