I am assuming that a President Romney would seek a second term. If he leads as a liberal he will be challenged in the primary and that’s the LAST thing he will want(ask LBJ, Carter, and GHWB). He is smart. He is not going to tick off his base and pull a Harriet Miers like GWB did.
Regarding Newt climbing back: I take it you did not watch his speech on Tuesday night. What a disaster! He is a horrible campaigner-his speech was rambling and unfocused and he lacked excitement.His supporters were sitting on their hands waiting for him to get fired up, since it was a VICTORY speech, for crying out loud. And today I saw a piece on CNN showing him SLEEPING while waiting to be interviewed-—that should fire up the women’s vote! I think his time to run for the presidency has come and gone. He’s about 15 years too late. He’s McCain’s age and it’s beginning to show.
There are only two candidates running, Newt and Ron Paul. Romney is not a natural born citizen nor can he come within ten points of Obama. Santorum is not natural born either so where does that leave us?