If what you say is true, she has even LESS credibility than I thought. It's like Jessica Lange giving testimony about how hard it is for farmers.
Yes. That's what was ridiculous. That's what Rush should have had a field day with. And that's why she wasn't permitted to testify before Congress.
Instead, she was allowed to give a statement in front of a bunch of Democrats. And the ever-willing media covered it as if she were testifying before Congress. She wasn't under oath.
So. Think about it. She was there as an 'expert' on the topic of medical reasons why women needed birth control pills but were being denied them because 'contraception' wasn't covered by a health plan for religious reasons. It was a carefully written presentation that dealt with all of the outlier medical situations, and evil insurance companies interviewing women with medical conditions and physician orders, and deciding not to provide care because the insurer thought the woman just wanted the birth control pill so she could have sex.
That kind of nauseating Democrat story for the public.
But . . . it wasn't about having lots of sex at all. By Fluke or anyone else. It was about medical conditions that required the pill and evil healthcare plans denying it.
And Rush turned it into testimony about having lots of sex (wrong) by Fluke (who never mentioned her own sex life or use of contraception).