“Oh and also repealing Obamacare, something that Romney and Newt cant effectively make the case for because of their support for Romneycare.”
Yeah, keep telling yourself that as you rock yourself to sleep with Bush the Third as your candidate. At least with Bush he was an honest fellow. With Rick, we have to put up with the “I’m the most conservative candidate!” crud, except he has no platform to back it up with.
His whole candidacy revolves around him being able to fool enough people into believing he is the “true conservative”, and in bashing Newt Gingrich as a traitor, in order to distract people away from his own record and lack of an economic plan.
We have an opportunity here to take out a weak, openly socialist President and use that momentum to totally rock the system. Instead, you want the guy whose entire economic plan is basically a retread of everything we always hear about. More gimmickry playing around with the same progressive system, but making no steps to tear it down.
But I guess as long as you can have your Saint Rick, and call Newt a liar, repealing Obama care and returning to the Bush mediocrity is good enough for you!
Well, at least Bush was an honest and good man. Saint Rick hasn’t been that honest with us.
I guess you can enjoy your Romneycare on your moonbase with all those illegals that Newt wants to legalize!
Bottom line Apollo is delegates and it looks like Santorum is going to end up getting the magic 1150 because of the states that are going for him. While Newt is in California, Santorum has been working in Michigan trying to fight off Romney. While Newt was in Florida, Santorum was in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Colorado. I know that Newt has this vision thing going on how he wants the United States to be which I agree with him on, but his vision of this primary has been so questionable. I don’t understand why he is concentrating on one thing Super Tuesday. Sure it has 450 delegates but by doing this he is ignoring some very important states that is going to possibly carry Santorum through. Obviously Santorum is winning the vision game here.