Keep fighting the good fight!
When I get down and think the fight is lost, I think of the men who sacrificed it all to give us the gift of America.
If they could face and win against seemingly insurmountable odds, then so can we.
We can't let them down!
We can’t give up.
It isn’t that we are fighting a lost cause - something that is literally unprovable by history or law. On the contrary, we have researched and proven the history time and time again from source after source. We have verified the laws in force, and proven both the relevance of those laws and what they mean in both smaller and larger senses.... we are fighting a system set to ignore it all, and arbitrarily decide what is and what isn’t law based upon their preferences, not the actual law, or real history.
We will own congress in 2013. We WILL own the White House.
It’s just a matter of getting from point A to point B in time.
When that happens, liberals and progressives will cry, because we are going to set about undoing all their works. That’s a WHEN, not an IF.
We MUST put the Judiciary on the list of things to reform. We really must get serious about this. That means investigating Judicial candidates in detail. No more free passes.
God’s speed to Van Irion and Mark Hatfield and all those behind the scenes making it all happen. AMEN!