Former Mormon tells why he would never vote for Mitt Romney
Mitt Romney would put cult before State.
Why I, as a former Mormon, would not vote for Mitt Romney for President of United States. CWN: In terms of the secular effects upon government, the public should also be aware that Mormomisms blood-oaths bind Mitt Romney to obey the Mormon Church in Salt Lake City above the Constitution, above US law, and, yes, above the Christian and Jewish understanding of God. Weve heard Romney argue that this is all the same bum wrap they laid on Jack Kennedy in the sixties. But its not. Its not the same at all. Heres why.
A US president with no definite religious beliefs, or a membership in some mainstream Christian denomination, may not have influence that could effect the eternity of individuals, but a man with deep-rooted cultic beliefs would persuade millions of the credibility of Mormonism, especially when taking into consideration that the LDS Church has a nearly sixty thousand strong missionary force. They could and would use President Romney as bait for an introduction into Mormonism, not only in the United States, but around the world.
Unfortunately, for Romney to win the votes of Christians what will first happen, is that conservative writers, radio hosts, columnists, social conservative leaders, all of our talking heads, thinkers, and millions of rank and file conservatives and Christians will be drawn into the largest collection of, the most diverse collection of, the most creative collection of Mormon apologists, in history.
Mormonism will be daily rationalized, ways to smooth over Christian concerns will be thought of and delivered on the air waves, just as Hugh Hewitt and Michael Medved already do. Limbaugh and others will fall into a daily routine of countering and defeating Christian protests against Mormonism. New creative thoughts and reasoning will come from National Review, and Fox
The right will be sucked into becoming the foot soldiers of mainstreaming and rationalizing Mormonism.