Thanks! Hannity is the only one I ever heard talk about Rev. Wright and his GD America attitude.
I have heard a few talk about it. But they don’t put it into the damning context it deserves.
Racism is using race as a means to an end. Wright and Obama are racists. So too is Al Sharpton, Charlie Rangle, Maxine Watters and the rest of the Congressional Black Caucus who keep the black community poor and dependent upon THEM for their handouts, free cheese and designer home loans.
What really raises my eyebrows is the Mitt Romney set up a program to get BUS RIDERS home loans!!! That is no different than ACORN minions badgering and harassing banks to write those devastating home loans. It is terribly sad that a “conservative” would do this, as far as I am concerned, that gets you thrown right out of the club, but that’s just my opinion.
Rush and Levin talked about Jeremiah Wright also, but Hannity did spend more time on it than anyone I think.