Hey native sunflower,
Mitt’s delusional. Newt is delusional as well.
Most of these early primary states no longer have the "winner take all" and even though Romney was close to tying in IA and went on to win NH, he failed to draw 75% in IA and a bit more in NH, he still only has about 12 delegates - and that's a very long way from winning this nomination.
NH should never be referred to as a "Republican" Primary as everyone who showed up to vote got a ballot so this really isn't a "Republican" Primary at all. Witness NH giving it to McLame last time to push him ahead of the rest of the pack, that after Huckabee took IA. Why should only two tiny divergent states determine a candidate for the entire Republican Party?
Thankfully no longer "winner take all" primaries around the country and even on Super Tuesday, it'll be difficult for one candidate to sweep everything, and that's not until March!