What is WRONG with evangelicals?
Rabid evangelicals cannot make a cost-benefit analysis with regard to their issues.
Abortion, gay marriage, and the rest are zero-sum games to them. They must have their way *NO MATTER THE COST*, for it is the Lord’s word.
Which means that if the cost for accomplishing these tasks is to enslave all Americans, lobotimize every woman, exterminate everyone over 48, and amputate every left testicle in order to get it done... they will.
No cost is too great, no burden too large.
And *THAT* is the problem whenever you inject religion into politics. Just look at Turkey and the mideast to see other examples.
Which is not to say that religious men and women should be barred from politics. Just the opposite, religious men and women have basic core beliefs that guide them through the morass that is politics.