“It’s refreshing when contrasted with some of the dilettantes around here who ‘want’ to fight but disdain you and don’t want to get mud on their shoes.”
Thank you for the kind words!
The rise of Ron Paul is extremely frustrating, for a lot of reasons. The biggest being here you have a man with white nationalist/neo-nazi ties, he goes to enemy nations on their media and agrees with them(Iran) and has made many incindiery and outright anti-Semitic or racist comments in the past. Yet through it all, enough normal people look past it because they agree with his fiscal policies. He also endorsed anti-American lunatic Cynthia McKinney for president.
Much of his support comes from young voters who are proving to be woefully ignorant or history or at the very least willing to tolerate evil for their own selfish ends. The sad thing is perhaps these voters don’t even think what he’s done is evil in the first place.
I call associating with neo-nazis/white nationalists evil. I call going to Iran and agreeing with every one of their positions evil. I call supporting anti-Semitic, anti-American Cynthia McKinney evil.
Are people so morally depraved they’re willing to tolerate this man? I’m not saying he’s Hitler, far from it, but I wonder if Germans back in the day said, ‘Well that Adolf says some awful things about the Jews, but he promises to make the trains run on time, so I’ll support him.’