Carol "Director of Socialists International" Browner, Political Commissar of Energy and Climate Change, "And I jess wanna hep yew."
Unconfirmed and unaccountable socialist Carol Browner was forced to submit her resignation during a purge of The Obammunist Administration's overt communists. However, the resignation didn't take effect until the end of the year.
American free enterprise capitalist utilities now witness her parting anti-capitalist and Obama Administration goals. On the next to last business day of the year.
What part of “NECESSARILY SKYROCKET” didn’t you understand?
It hascome to pass that The People have no representation in some of the most important questions in their lives. An imperious command from some useless little fart of a bureaucrat-—and power plants must close!
It’s all about Jobs people.
Obama has destroyed a hundred jobs for every one he has created.
It is all a part of his plan to destroy our economy and bring us down to third world status.
Open your eyes. Give this man another 4 years and he will have done his job. We will be a third world country.