Look up the Morrill Tariff Act, the highest import tax in U.S. history, which raised import taxes on Southerners from 20% to 40%.
The Permanent Slavery Amendment passed by the U.S. Congress and endorsed by Lincoln was a political maneuver by the North to bring the Southern States back into the Union to pay this new higher 40% tax to finance the U.S. Government and subsidize Northern business monopolies. When that didn't work, lincoln started a war. The South was eventually forced back into the union and feds began collecting taxes from those that had anything left to pay it with.
The punishment for your sin of false witness is paid by your Christ. If you love your Christ, you will stop bearing false witness.
We know where you stand on Christianity. You statement above is dripping with sarcasm and is an insult to all Christians. You're using statements like that as a joke to entertain your arrogant demeanor or simply to troll for entertaining replies. There doesn't seem to be any limit to your baseness. I'm sure that you and your liberal friends get a kick out of poking fun at Christians but I'm not going to engage in your sick, libtard game.
Christianity is your religion, not mine, so your failures to live up to your religion are your failures, not mine.
You asserted that the war was made for back taxes. That was a lie. A fine lie from one who pretends to be a Christian. The Morrill tax was passed before Lincoln took office, and after the pretended secession of South Carolina, so you can not blame the tax on Lincoln, not can you blame the rebellion on the tax. Rather, the tax was, and could only be passed after the representatives of the south withdrew. So that is another lie. Please stop the lies. By your faith, please stop the lies.
You assert that the Morrill tariff raised import taxes on southerners. Rather, it raised them on all imports. Most tariffs were paid by northern ports. Northern industries would import goods, add value to them by manufacture, and sell them all over the country.
The tax was then 40% *or what ever it was on the particular good, they had a list with different rates on different goods* on the base good, with the tax on the US work as zero. For example, cloth was imported, cut to measure, stitched, and sold as clothes. The value of the cloth would be a fraction (say 1/4th for an example) of the finished good, so the 40% tax would be (again, for an example) only 10% of the finished product. Tariffs tended to be paid on luxury goods, and few slaves or small holders bought much in the way of luxury goods.
If the south was opposed to the Morrill tariff, they could have shown up and voted against it.
If the south didn’t want to start a war they could have not opened fire.
The sad fact is, they wanted a war to bring in Viginia and perhaps Kentucky/Maryland/Delaware, so they opened fire. They wanted to drive a wedge between US manufacturers and southern small holders, so they abstained from the vote on the Tariff. That was their strategy. It failed just as their strategy of fielding 3 candidates for President. The southern partisans have complained of the results ever since, and blamed others for their foolishness.
Again, support for the Morrill tariff helped Lincoln get elected. One feature of the Morrill tariff was to have specific duties on items, rather than have a percentage of the value: That percentage feature had been an opportunity for corrupt importers to defraud the government and gain and advantage over honest importers. Opposition got the Democratic party defeated, and support for the Morrill tariff was a vote for fair taxation and good government. The US kept that in place with modifications until 1913, and the US economy grew rapidly, paid off the war, repaired the war damage. After Wilson’s election, the tariff was lowered.
Taxes must be collected somewhere. A tax on luxury goods was politically possible. Taxes that prevent, as far as possible corruption, are preferred by me over taxes which encourage corrupt deals. Of course wars are expensive, and if the rebels had not opened fire, the cost of the war could have been averted. Yet they opened fire.