What bothers you so much about the assertion that Christianity is a religion of the people, rather than the religion of the politically powerful?
Incest is sexual relations between people who are forbidden to marry. Since I was legally married, that is just not a correct description of my situation. When you assert that it was my situation you bear fast witness. And your Christ bears the pain of your sin of bearing false witness.
Yet I forgive you.
Incest is sexual intercourse between close relatives that is usually illegal in the jurisdiction where it takes place and/or is conventionally considered a taboo. My statement stands and I do not bear false witness just because you found a avenue to practice your perversion legally. The fact that you shopped for a state that would allow you to marry your first cousin is no different than the stinking homosexuals getting married in states that allow such doings in order to practice their brand of perversion ‘legally’. Abortion is legal too, pal, but it’s a perversion and an abomination.
I think that you have caused more pain for Christ than I ever will.