The choice of candidates is what it is. If you don’t vote for the GOP nominee, you will be responsible for electing the current president-with-an-agenda, whether you accept that or not. Your principles will not keep you warm at night when our children or grandchildren are assimilating to a life as a socialist or communist with no memory of a great country dubbed the Land of Opportunity.
I’m just not convinced the outcome is any different under a Romney regime....other than the fact that this time it would be under the banner of the GOP.
Romney has very similar positions to Zero....see Romneycare, global warming, a permanent assault weapons ban, appointing liberal judges, refusing to support the Ohio bill restricting public unions, and the list goes on and on. As a matter of fact Obama’s plan for capital gains is more pro growth than Romney’s. Zero defines the “rich” at $250k and Romney’s plan is $200k.
Show me anywhere that Romney has demonstrated by his actions....not just his talk...that he is any better than Zero. I would vote for Romney if I was convinced that he is any different and not just an empty suit. If Romney voters want to fool themselves into thinking they are doing the country a favor by sending it down the same path under a GOP flag....go ahead.
I wont be bullied into picking a candidate who is essentially the same as Obama just because some non-conservative GOP establishment and the media tells me I should.