My take on the debate FWIW, probably not very much but like before, I’m gonna give it anyway.
1. Gingrich - A-, potential heir apparent (or last great hope of conservatives) if Cain can’t knock off Romney. Pissed off Maria real good, but his over 30 second answer was a little short on substance.
2. Romney - B, one of his poorer performances, nevertheless standing out in substance over most of the rest of the crowd; a toned debater. The Weekly Standard clowns, Krauthammer, Ingraham, O’Reilly Auto Parts, & Rove were backstage cheering him on.
3. Bachmann - B, kept her pace from the last debate where she also fared well; the only one with the huevos to shoot down payroll tax delays; the purity but unelectable candidate continued to overuse “tax attorney” and repeal Obama care; In spite of the kudos, she doesn’t have a chance and needs to get out of the race.
4. Cain - B-, handled the cheap shot question from the presstitutes well; over dwelled on 9-9-9 and showed some lack of detail or substance which tended to support the flamers belief that he is shallow in depth; nevertheless, it would make a lot of people’s day if he ended up getting the nomination making the “pundits” listed in #2 above look like the RINO @$$wipes that they are.
5. Paul - C+, kept his straitjacket on from the last debate, avoiding some of the Jerry Moonbeam moments. Some of his remarks were right on, while others seemed somewhat incoherent.
6. Santorum - C-, the sanctimonious PA flash that endorsed Specter and lost his last race only highlight was his endorsement of MANUFACTURING, almost completely omitted by all the other candidates; other than that, he is an empty suit that needs to exit the premises.
7. Perry - D, no not an F. Whether you like him or not, most people felt sorry for his memory lapse that commodians will make fun of like they do to all conservatives. He gets a D, not for that lapse, but for continuing inability to articulate anything beyond energy policy and Texas job creation. A lack of cohesion and substance and PRIOR debate performances will likely result in the total collapse of his campaign. Tonite was just the icing on the cake or the coup de gras. He needs to come back home and continue to reduce the coyote population in the Hill Country. He confused jumping in the race with jumping off the cliff.
8. Huntsman - F, took sanctimony to a level exceeding that of Santorum. China supporter, occupy supporter, heck he might as well have come out and said he was an Obama supporter. Came across as trying to lecture everybody in the hall.
Conservatism started out with a wide array of choices that have one by one opted out; been sabotaged by presstitutes, RINOS, or DimCraps; didn’t know how to handle interviews or debates; or crashed and burned on their own or a combination of the above.
The last man standing (not Tim Allen) is likely to be either Cain (missing some substance plus fighting what appears to be liars trying to malign his reputation) and Gingrich (policy wonk with adultery, couch sitting with Nancy, a whiney voice, and a press that will go after him with a vengeance after his repeated bashing of them). Unless Palin changes her mind, it is looking more and more like conservative efforts to derail the Romney train will fail. That’s sad because while Romney talks a good game (sounds like a real conservative in the debates), if he wins (highly questionable), he would be just another “more of the same politician”. If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you always got.
Excellent analysis, and witty to boot. Kudo’s.