Tinfoil hat indeed. He was just an authoritarian who would’ve rather died (heh) than concede one inch. He was given many outs, with his money intact, when this first came out and he turned them all down. Just another tyrant on the ashheap of history. Now if we could only find a way to get the North Koreans a means of orchestrating their own Jasmine revolution.College in North Korea has been suspended until next April to “help out on farms and restructuring” etc. etc. But word around the DMZ is that Kimmy saw what happened in the middle east and put the universities on ice, because the revolution would most likely start there amongst the young budding scholars. If those people could have enough strength and food to do more than just survive and more of the subversive “balloons” from the south (balloons filled with information about what’s going on, as well as US dollars so they’ll actually be enticed enough to examine the “propaganda”)there would be one of the most hard earned revolutions from within that the world would ever see, and I for one, hope the revolution will be televised.
^^^ oh man, I’m sorry about the triple post. I’m not sure how I managed that one. Mods, please delete. I’m still learning the control functions here lol
You can say that again!