If the MSM is truly turning on Zero, either:
1) his goose is cooked, or
2) he invents an excuse to declare martial law.
Just sayin’
Could it be, rather, that we the people are being played by those running media whoredom, setting up the exit for barry bassturd and advent of the hillary? Ask yourself, how could barry be extricated from the oval orifice yet his blind sycophancies not turn on whomever the democrap party criminal enterprise stand up to run? Simply by creating the illusion that it is conservatives who ran little barry off by attacking him when it was eric the red holder and underlings who should have been deposed! You could publish a letter wherein barry says to funnel guns to Mexico so Mexican will be killed in order to get new and more sweeping legislation to ban all weapons sales in the US, and little almost half-black barry ‘s sycophants would find some excuse to not believe it!
If these numbers could be verified, it would prove that the Obama administration is the number one U.S. source of cartel guns.
Bears repeating.