“We know for a fact, that Governor Palin is squeaky clean.
My God, her 26,000+ emails were sent viral to be scrutinized!”
Just so, Onyx. You come directly to the point, as always. Perry is backpedaling like mad with his supporters trying to say that the cronies were paid out of one fund and not another and saying well..there are no Tony Rezkos around.
I haven’t spent a single syllable defending Sarah Palin’s honesty and integrity because they are above reproach and everyone knows it, even the trolls.
I agree. What we're going to have to defend is her abrupt resignation from office.
And before you fire back with "How many millions in legal fees defending herself against bogus charges was she supposed to run up before resigning?", I agree with that, too. You don't have to it to sell me, we need to sell it to the Independents and undecideds.