Wow, ad hominem attacks do not mask or give credibility to your overly wordy and scientifically illiterate response. I offered some specific examples and you responded with some studies on spontaneous mutations in rhabditid nematodes. In the words of the late Mo Howard; "What a maroon".
Reading remains fundamental. Look again confucius. You told metmom to pay attention too, along with some other smarmy liberal insolence, but the problem was you gave her some nonsense about fruit flies bearing...more fruit flies, hard as that is to believe. From the late 20th century no less.
And obviously you didn’t learn from your projections toward metmom about paying attention did you?
Liberals set the rules with ad hominem attacks, strawmen, red herrings and endless projections, so if you can’t handle your own rules, AKA the proverbial heat in the kitchen, just say so!
No need in getting your underwear all in a bunch, just stipulate in the future that you can’t handle your own rules and you get this like rash...allergic reaction and we can respond, you know, without your rules and present just the facts.
We really don’t want you getting that undies bunching rash and instead maybe give you some warm milk or something along with the facts.