How will we stay exceptional if we are broke? Why must we proselytyze this exceptionalism? Can’t we build a strong national defense without occupation.
Electing a man who will allow me to open my ferret banging farm, for revenue enhancement, because it isn't covered in the Constitution will not. Plus we will be left far more open to foreign danger and cultural decay.
“Cant we build a strong national defense without occupation”
I’m so sick of hearing RP & Co. use the term Occupation, trying to equate our military in other countries (who WANT our protection and often as part of agreements, NATO treaties, etc.) with what the Nazis did in France, Poland, etc. Now THAT was Occupation - and definitely unwanted, to put it mildly. In some if not many cases, it’s also in our own national security interests (not just that of our allies) to maintain strategic bases because of their proximity to hostile enemies. For those who haven’t gotten the memo, there are really bad guys in the world - not all sweetness and light.
What we SHOULD be doing, particularly in financially solid, or resource-rich, countries is what Trump’s been saying - charge them for that help and protection rather than doing it for free!