Rick Perry is a statist, the last thing on God’s earth the GOP needs. Might as well be named King George Bush III.
We need more than low taxes. We need people to be able to use the income they keep to invest in creating jobs, building houses. etc. But if regulation stifles such real investment, all that all that money will do is create investment bubbles. Rick Perry just looooooooves regulations... except the ones which get rid of illegal aliens.
>> Rick Perry/Nikki Haley ‘12 ......”Perry first nationally challenged federal bailouts in December 2008 <<
Gee, you mean AFTER the Republican Party got wiped out in their most disastrous election since 1964? How pathetic.
But at least he learns AFTER THE FACT about the voters’ fury, right? Well then explain his undying support for the importation of low-wage, low-skilled workers.