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To: Gena Bukin; so_real
Debunked? Not quite. Almost all of those links discussing parental citizenship were contingent upon Obama being born in Kenya. Only a couple of posters considered the idea that a Hawaiian-born Obama might be ineligible but only because his mother was not old enough to transmit citizenship.

Yes, people were talking about ineligibility prior to the election but the Vattel definition that requires both parents to be U.S. citizens, period, wasn't brought up until Donofrio brought it up first. And this was November, 2008. You (and apparently everyone else but me) might have learned about this in civics class but nobody was talking about it until after Obama was elected.

Gena, let me type slowly since you don't seem to be able to read very fast.

In post #19 of this thread, you stated: November 19th, 2008 is the first post I can find on Free Republic arguing that Obama is ineligible because NBC requires both parents to be U.S. citizens. This is well after Obama was elected and corresponds to Leo Donofrio raising the issue.

So we're clear now that you claim nobody mentioned two citizen parents prior to Nov 19, 2008. Correct?

so_real pointed you to a post which you apparently didn't completely read. Here, let me excerpt a couple of quotes from said post:

Citizens is plural, as in both mother and father. It does not read, child or children of a citizen, singular.

36 posted on Thursday, June 26, 2008 4:36:46 PM by Phantom Lord (Fall on to your knees for the Phantom Lord)

Also, both parents have to be American citizens and the candidate has to be born in this country. Questions have been raised about the eligibility of both candidates, especially Obama, and there should be no problem in verifying the information....

45 posted on Saturday, July 19, 2008 10:44:18 AM by Dante3

This issue also came up in 1968, when George Romney (Mitt’s dad) ran for the GOP nomination. George Romney was born in Mexico of American parents. The consensus then was that the fact that both parents were US citizens meant that he qualified as “natural-born,” even though he was born outside the US.

48 posted on Saturday, July 19, 2008 11:48:31 AM by cookcounty (Obama reach across the aisle? He’s so far to the left, he’ll need a roadmap to FIND the aisle.)

There, I even highlighted the relevant parts for you.

In case you want to do more research, let me get you started with this Google search where you can find more examples, if you're willing to dig a little.

56 posted on 06/26/2011 11:37:57 PM PDT by WildSnail (The US government now has more control over the people than the old Soviet Union ever dreamed of)
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To: WildSnail
Citizens is plural, as in both mother and father. It does not read, child or children of a citizen, singular.

In that post they were discussing whether he would be a citizen by birth if he was born overseas. So that quote is irrelevant.

Also, both parents have to be American citizens and the candidate has to be born in this country. Questions have been raised about the eligibility of both candidates, especially Obama, and there should be no problem in verifying the information....

That post is saying what the poster believes the requirements should be, meaning he thinks the current requirements are different. You totally took that out of context.

The consensus then was that the fact that both parents were US citizens meant that he qualified as “natural-born,” even though he was born outside the US.

Once again, they are discussing whether he could be a natural born citizen if born abroad to one citizen parent. It is irrelevant to the discussion.

59 posted on 06/27/2011 9:42:37 AM PDT by Kleon
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