I LOVE it... I LOVE it! You think for a minute Miss Sarah did not know “they” would jump on her like a duck on a June Bug?? WEAR their sorry arses out Miss SARAH!
It is unfortunate that no matter how stupid the things coming out of the mouth of the Washington elite or the media they are given a pass. Mitt Romney expresses support for state run healthcare, he supports using resources to combat global warming, and doesn’t seem to have any reservations concerning the ultimate scope of government yet no one dares question his intelligence? The same goes for the left, they believe the most ignorant things. They believe babies are a choice not a blessing, they believe gender is something that is decided rather than something that is, they believe what a man or woman earns is something to be redistributed, and that isn’t even going deep in the weeds with the left. Palin has been criticized for having birther support but dare they analyze what the left who supports Obama believes? The truth is even the conservative media is derilict in the duty of analyzing such things. I don’t play that game. I know who the enemy is and that enemey may be Havard educated but it is the source of an idiocy that is destorying this nation and believes things that even the mentally inept would never believe or accept.
Joy Behar is snarking on her F/B page and when I went there and posted what she had just heard from the guide at the Old North Church, the liberals heads almost exploded. Especially when I pointed out the 57 states, Austwitz, and the Selma Bridge faux paws, and then went to to discuss Sheila Jackson Lee not knowing the commies had retaken Viet Nam, Johnson’s Guam is going to tip over, and the majority of democrats don’t understand the tax code...
It is unfortunate that no matter how stupid the things coming out of the mouth of the Washington elite or the media they are given a pass. Mitt Romney expresses support for state run healthcare, he supports using resources to combat global warming, and doesn’t seem to have any reservations concerning the ultimate scope of government yet no one dares question his intelligence? The same goes for the left, they believe the most ignorant things. They believe babies are a choice not a blessing, they believe gender is something that is decided rather than something that is, they believe what a man or woman earns is something to be redistributed, and that isn’t even going deep in the weeds with the left. Palin has been criticized for having birther support but dare they analyze what the left who supports Obama believes? The truth is even the conservative media is derilict in the duty of analyzing such things. I don’t play that game. I know who the enemy is and that enemey may be Havard educated but it is the source of an idiocy that is destorying this nation and believes things that even the mentally inept would never believe or accept.
I’m surprised they didn’t jump on her for not naming the other riders of that night.
Don't forget "... the purfuit of Happineff ..."
several accounts about Paul Revere and his ride:
You can forget trying to explain TRUTH, and historical fact to the left, and to the media. All they care about is the narrative.
The problem isn’t the TRUTH, or even historical fact, folks. It’s the NARRATIVE.
I have seen people who don’t pay much attention to politics at all posting this on Facebook, and the narrative sticks, no matter what you try to say to them. They saw it on TV, so it’s GOT to be the truth.
Such is the world in which we live, now.