Okay that's it. NOBODY tells me how to live, how to think, what to say or WHAT TO DO. I live in a FREE country, free to live how I want, think what I want, say what I want, and do what I want so long as I don't break any laws.
LIBERALS are always trying to tell me what to do, when to do it, how to do it, and what to think FOR MY OWN GOOD as they 'think' they are superior to me.
ONLY A LIBERAL WOULD SAY THAT!!!!!!!! Never a conservative. Buzz off troll.
You just exposed yourself as a liberal nitwit opposed to freedom and liberty.
As a political force - birtherism was and remains a disaster.
And the #1 reason I think birthers should eat Crow is the reflexive accusation that you just engaged in.
Not everyone who tells you that you made a mistake is working for the other side.
This was a mistake.
Learn from it.