“Smart Balance” is $7.18 a tub!!! That’s outrageous and amazing for Georgia is usually on the cheap end. That’s why I am amazed at the price of milk in California! We are usually on the bottom end of prices and it’s unbelievable here.
I don’t live in California. I’m in Arizona. I went to check my grocery receipt. I didn’t have the last one, but thought I paid $1.89 for milk. I did find one from the trip before and it was $1.79. It’s basically generic milk. I figure it’s so cheap because it’s WIC (gov) Approved and we have so many illegal aliens and Navajos in Arizona. I’ll spare everyone a long rant I could easily go on. When the welfare folk can shop with Schwann’s and I’m helping pay for it, I have no problem taking advantage of cheap milk I’ve already helped pay for.