Your opinion based upon - you opinion - and your empirical evidence is?????? You have no empirical evidence goml. Epic fail.
History records Jesus Christ - that he was a miracle worker, taught a new way of knowing God and that he was killed under Pilate. Historians, other religious teachers and others have noted that Jesus' moral teachings were astounding. History records that his followers promulgated his teachings throughout Europe and Asia within the first two centuries. During that period those believers were persecuted and killed for their beliefs. They refused to denounce that belief. History also records that he was considered God and worshiped.
Jesus' opponents have developed mythology to denounce and attack the historical message of his followers. By doing so, they validate what message was, because were it false, they wouldn't have given it second thought.
Now that your delusions of deity have passed (since you can't have absolute truth on the point unless you knew it all). You have one flaw - you acknowledge the existence of God. Now provide empirical evidence to support your bleat - your unsubstantiated opinions are worthless.
I know all of this because this is what God told me. He tells me you follow an illusion. Prove me wrong. You can't.