Doesn't Missouri have a Democrat governor? Isn't Claire McCaskill a Missouri US Senator? Yeah, you Missourians are a rock-ribbed conservative bunch! lol
Anyway, Christie isn't running, so you don't have to worry about him.
Doesn't Missouri have a Democrat governor? Isn't Claire McCaskill a Missouri US Senator? Yeah, you Missourians are a rock-ribbed conservative bunch! lol
Yeah they got in on Obama's coattails but look what we did in 2010. 2012 is coming up and McCaskill is running so fast to the right she can't stop to breathe and the Gov has his head down trying to hide. Don't worry about Missouri. Palin can carry the state.
LOL! And never forget our “Old Friend” and mentor Dick Gephart or Carnahan! Now there is a bastion of “Conservative” value for you!